Tuesday, February 5, 2013

We Need A Typesetter


Okay. So here's the scoop you folks. I've got like chapters 185-193 piled up, cleaned and translated, but with no SFX person to typeset all the SFXs. The job consists mostly of putting SFX where there used to be Japanese SFX and making large SFX slightly larger than the Japanese ones (like the big BAMM or WHAM ones) to cover up the ones you can't remove. You need some experience with Photoshop text-work, and a good library of fonts (many available for free at dafont.com or blambot.com).

Just look through any given series of YGoons or Mahou-X scanned chapters to see what we mean by SFX-work. It is vital for that "Viz-translated manga off the shelves" quality that we strive for.

Email me at drsunshinesa at gmail dot com if you are interested, or know someone who can help.